Geotechnical Aspects of Dam Engineering

Dr. Hasan Tosun
Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Department of Civil Engineering,
President, Turkish Society on Dam Safety (TSDS)
Eskisehir, TURKEY
By and large, it is established beyond doubt that the expansion of the water resources has played a prominent role in the social and economic developments of countries across the world. Among all, safety of the dams, as the prime example of the water storage, have proved to be of great importance from not only the structural viewpoint, but also the geotechnical conditions which has been reported to be a serious cause of dams’ failure (according to ICOLD case history statistics).
In this Special Issue, we solicit high-quality original research articles focused on the state-of-the-art techniques and methods employed in the geotechnical aspects of design, construction, and analysis of dams. We welcome both theoretical and application papers of high technical standard across various disciplines, thus facilitating an awareness of techniques and methods in one area that may be applicable to other areas. We seek high-quality submissions of original research articles as well as review articles on all aspects related to dam engineering that has the potential for practical application.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Embankment, rockfill and CFRD dams;
- New construction materials for embankment dams;
- Material behavior and constitutive models for soil and rock;
- Advanced design techniques in dams and foundation;
- Recent case studies and reported dam failures (i.e., lessons learned) due to geotechnical issues;
- Dam safety and security, risk-informed decision making, and failure modes;
- Quantification of various hazard sources;
- Advanced numerical analysis techniques;
- Validations and verifications of the existing analysis techniques;
- Monitoring, surveillance, and field measurement methods;
- Slope stability analysis;
- Impact of climate change on embankment dams;
- Earthquake seismology and geodesy in dams;
- Environmental earth sciences;
- Geo-informatics and remote sensing in embankment dams;
- Geomorphology, geography, soil science glaciology, geoarchaeology, geo-heritage in dams;
Related Topic Keywords
Dam; Geotechnical; Safety; Risk; Failure Analysis; Multi Hazard; Experimental Test; Validation; Embankment