IJCI is published by Avestia Publishing which is a division of International ASET Inc. This journal is a high quality peer-reviewed one, where every article will be peer-reviewed by several experts in the field and will be assigned unique DOIs by CrossRef. Upon acceptance, articles will be published in the latest open volume. One continuous volume per year is published.

IJCI welcomes research and review papers related to Civil, Structure, Geotechnical and Infrastructure Engineering including but not limited to the areas of:

  • Advanced Structural Materials
  • Construction Management
  • Earthquake and Structural Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Green Building Materials and Technology
  • New Technologies, Methods and Techniques in Civil Engineering
  • Transport Infrastructure

For a complete list of topics, please visit: Aims & Scopes

Indexed in: Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar and Mendeley
Archived in Portico, one of the largest community-supported digital archives in the world
Content Registered with Crossref

Dr. Hany El Naggar
Dalhousie University, Canada
Editor in Chief

Editorial Board Author Guidelines Submit a Manuscript

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IJCI has been working hard to abide by the guidelines of ethics, integrity, and high standards in publishing.


Welcome to the International Journal of Civil Infrastructure (IJCI), formerly known as Journal of Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (JCSTE).

Most Recent Articles

Finite Element Investigation on the Response of Tunnel Rock-Supports in Zones Subjected To Squeezing Occurrence

Gianluca Bella, Giulio Antonucci, Gennaro Scognamiglio

Mitigating Karst Development in Soluble Rocks under Water Pressure Using Chemical Grouts

Aram Aziz, Mehrdad Ghahremani, Seyed Mohammad Fattahi, Abbas Soroush, Seyed Mohammad Reza Imam

Assessment of Traffic Noise Level: A Case Study of a Residential Neighbourhood

Jamal Almatawah, Hamad Matar